July 29, 2010

My baby elephant....

Meet Lucas' baby elephant. He really loves his baby elephant. He gets so excited every few weeks when he remembers he has a baby elephant. Today he said, "Mama take my picture with baby elephant." So I did. This was the result.
After though he said he just wanted a picture of Lukey. He the light of my life....when he doesn't drive me crazy!!
Lately he has been saying some pretty funny things. We have been trying to give him more choices in his day. So we'll say things like, "okay Lucas here are your choices...you can have milk or water with your dinner." Or if he is being naughty throwng a fit we'll say things like, "you have two choices buddy, you can either quit crying and use your words or you can sit in time out". Well, I have been getting stuff ready for girls camp next week and I had some ring pop's in a bag to go along with a lesson. Lucas has been wanting one all week. Everytime I tell him they are for girls camp he throws a big fit and says he wants girls camp. So I finally told him he could have a choice....for some reason that stuck in his head and yesterday he came up to me with the biggest grin ever and said...."mama I want my choices" Confused I said about what. He ran into the kitchen and brought me the bag of ring pops and said, "I want these choices." I about peed my pants! I guess he doesn't quite grasp the concept yet.

6 and now 7....months!

I am a little behind...Kayleigh is now 7 months old. We haven't had her 6th month well check appointment yet because we were out of town and then she was sick and then the office was full until the second week in August. So i'll have to post the stats later. But here are some cute pictures and things she is doing!

6 months.

She is: Sitting up all by herself
Rolling around like a mad woman
drooling like there's no tomorrow
Babbeling...John swears she says Dada.

7 Months!
She is: eating yummy fruits and veggies
loves rice cereal and oatmeal
cut her first tooth for real this time.
trying to crawl
gets up on all fours like she is doing a pushup.
just as smiley and cute as ever!
We just really love this little girl and we are just so happy to have her in our family.

July 26, 2010

Yellowstone 2010

While on the annual Henry's Lake trip we decided that we wanted to spend a day in Yellowstone. It has been several years since we had gone and stopped. Usually we just drive through looking at nature and looking for wildlife. This year we decided to actually go and see some of the places to visit. Our first stop was of course.....Old Faithful. Lucas LOVED it. He thought the "very big balpaino was rupting"....translation.."the very big volcano is erupting." It was so fun to see such pure excitement on his little face. We couldn't even get a picture with him looking at the camera while it was gysering.
It was such a cool thing to see. It is such a powerful form of nature. I felt bad....some of the girls stopped at the restroom and missed it. And Melissa was feeding Amy in the car so she missed it too. Sad :(
This was taken before Old Faithful actually erupted. Lucas thought it was boring. Silly kid.

While there in Yellowstone we did get to see quite a bit of wildlife. Mostly buffalo...which I am not so sure I am fond of after we were stuck in an hour and a half traffic jam caused by them. Let's just say two cranky, sleepy, hungry kids strapped in carseats while we waited our turn to cross through the buffalo herd.....NOT FUN!

We had a little picnic lunch at Old Faithful off in a little wooded area. It was really fun. Lucas and Ethan of course had to sit by each other to eat their sandwiches. They both really liked camping in general.
This is kind of a random photo. But there is a funny story to go along with it. Jill was taking this picture but notice how John is washing Lucas off with a wipey. Well moments before this picture was taken Jill and Maddie leaned over Lucas. Maddie was in the little snugglie on Jill's tummy. Just as they leaned over Maddie puked all over Lucas. Face, arms, legs, hair....it was really gross. Lucas didn't think it was very funny but everyone else laughed.

We also stopped at Yellowstone Lake to stretch our legs and go potty. It was kind of overcast while we were there but it was still so beautiful.
We had such a good time in Yellowstone and hopefully it won't be years before we go back. It was tradition in the Lyons home that we went to Yellowstone almost every year. Except we went up through the Jackson Hole Wy. way. Lots of good times and good memories!

Henry's Lake 2010

A few weeks ago we made a trip up to Idaho to visit the family and to be in Burley for Garrett's mission farewell. While we were there we spent a few days in Henry's Lake with the Turner family. We had so much fun. We were there from June 23rd through June 26th. We had such a great time. Wednesday it was just John and I and our kids, Travis and Jill and their kids, and Mom and Dad Turner. Thursday Mike and Melissa came up with baby Amy and Garrett. Also, Colt Turner, John's cousin came up for Thursday night. Also Thursday David and Heather came up. It was so fun to just get to hang out with everyone and visit with each other...since we don't get to get to do that very much.
This was the hat the Kayleigh wore most of the time since it was just a tad chilly for her little head. It looked so stinkin' cute on her.
Of course while we were there we got the opportunity to go fishing. It is one of my favorite things to do while there. This year it was me who brought in the biggest fish...totally a fluke as it was the only fish I caught. And I have to give all the credit to Travis. He's the angler in the family.

What was so fun this trip was to see Lucas and Ethan playing together so well. I think this was the most amount of time they have been together consecutivly. They were like two peas in a pod. Both were pretty much covered in dirt for 3 days. They went out on the boat and caught fish, blew the seeds off of the dandilions, and they chased ground squirrls. It was hilarious.

Kayleigh and Maddie wanted to be apart of the action so Jill fashioned up milk crates for both of them. It was so fun. Kayleigh wasn't quite sitting up by herself so it was nice that she could sit up with the help of the crate. By the time we made it home to Vegas she was sitting up by herself like a champ.
The best part about two rambuncios boys....nap time. They both started on the air mattress but ended up like this. It was too funny.
We had such a great time. It has been several years since we were able to go up with the family. We are so glad that we did. We can't wait until we live a little closer and can go every year.

May 28, 2010

5 Months old!

My sweet baby Kayleigh is now 5 months old. I know I say this all the time...but, where does the time go. It does not feel as though it has been 5 whole months since she entered this world.

She is the one of the happiest babies you will ever see. But she drools like crazy! She loves chewing on her middle and pointer finger of her left hand. She still takes a binky or "bliky" as Lucas calls it but she is starting to really only like it when she is sleepy. The rest of the time she screeches and babbles. She is very vocal...kind of like Lucas was when he was a baby.
She is rolling over like crazy. This picture is of her when she was enjoying some floor time. She definately didn't start out facing this direction but after about 20 minutes she wore herself out and ended up like this. So cute.

She is my sweet girl and I love her so much. We are so glad that she is part of our family.

May 26, 2010

A litte rolly polly bug...

Kayleigh has discovered her toes. She loves them. She'll lay on the floor holding both of her feet and be as happy as a clam. It is too funny. She is also rolling like crazy. She has figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back whenever she wants and can roll from her back to her tummy too. When we put her on the floor now we have to make sure there is a space big enough for her to roll around int. She tends to only go one direction so her feet end up being a pivot and she rolls in a circle. It is just too funny.

My little monkey....

Lucas is my little monkey. He reminds me so much of Garrett when he was little. We went to a playgroup at this really fun park in Mountain's Edge that was a wild west theme. It was so fun. In the center of the park they had this spider web cimby thing. Lucas climbed up to the top several times with out any help. I kept asking if he needed mommy to help him and he'd say, "Not yet mommy, not yet" or "I can do it". He had so much fun. It was so high I was a little nervous but he did great.

He is so strong and has a good grip so he loves when parks have these things.

April 30, 2010

Lucas too...

I have been posting so much about Kayleigh lately but Lucas is learning and changing so much too. I can't belive how much he is talking. The kid can communicate ANYTHING he wants. My favorite new things are:

*He asks you questions before you can ask him

Lucas: "Mama, what color is that?"
Mama: "I don't know, what color is that?"
Lucas: "It's red"
Mama: "Oh you are right...it is red"

*He loves to get piggy back rides. He says, "I get on my back"....he has a problem talking in the wrong person...my back=your back, carry you= carry me....etc.

*He is totally obsessed with the movie, "The Princess and the Frog"....he calls it the Froggy movie. He loves Mama Odie and the aligator. He has been jumping onto the couch from the end table and saying, "ha ta lu lah" for Hallelujah....the alligator jumps into the water and says that in the movie.

*He has been very polite to other people.... he says, "excuse me" when he passes by people and has been so good about saying Please and Thank you.

*He LOVES letters. As we drive anywhere he looks out his window and says, "look mama, letters".

*He has a huge imagination. When we were driving home to Idaho a few weeks ago as we would go Lucas would point out the window and say, "look look look...it's a ele-fant" or "look look look it's penguins". They were all trees with funny shapes.

*He is also really enjoying reading. He loves when you read to him. The only dangerous thing is that once you start you end up reading every book on the shelf. After every book he says, "oh that's a good story....let's read another one.". I heart him!

This picture was from our trip to the Leid Children's Museum. He said, "look mama, I a fireman."

With a face like this.....it is a good thing he is cute cause he definately tests my patience! But man, I can't imagine my life without him!

4 months old and counting....

Kayleigh is now 4 months old. Wow does time fly! She is changng and learning new things everyday. She had her 4 month well check yesterday so I thought I'd post some fun little facts about her appt.
Weight: 12 lbs 6oz (25%)
Height: 23 inches (10%)
Head: 40.5 cm (25%)
As you can see she is not a very long little thing....I think her cousin Angie was like 23 inches a week after birth. She is growing along her own little path on the chart, she is just little :) The nice thing is that she is 4 months and not even close to growing out of her 0-3 months clothes!

She is a super happy smiley little girl. She LOVES to watch Lucas play around her. Lucas can get her laughing. It is one of my favorite things. She is very much a mama's girl.....when she doesn't feel good or is tired. She also has two teeth....well sort of...they just poked through so I don't know if that qualifies as "teeth" yet.
Her new favorite activity is playing under the jungle gym thing. We also have little toys hanging from her carseat....she loves it. She played like this for probably 45 mintues before she fell asleep. She loves reaching and grabbing onto things. She has a really strong grip too so if she gets ahold of your hair or your glasses it takes some help to get her to let go!

We are so blessed to have this sweet little girl in our family! We love her oh so much!

April 27, 2010

Nellis AFB Softball Tourney

Terry, John, Larry, Brian, Fred, Dan, Todd, Scotty (Back Row)
Tom, Rich, Lewis, Steve (Front Row)
John and his softball team played in a softball tournament up at Nellis AFB. Their first game started at 8am and the last game ended at 12 midnight....7 games of softball. They ended up in 2nd place. We had so much fun watching games, playing at the playground, hanging out with our softball buddies and eating...it was one VERY long day but it was well worth it! GO TEAM VARIAN!

April 5, 2010


Kayleigh got to meet her new cousins this past week and we got to meet our new neices. I only got pictures on my camera of Kayleigh and Angie. The pictures of Maddie are on Jill and G-ma Turner's cameras...so I can't post those until I get them emailed. But here are some pictures of Kayleigh and her cousin Angie Lyons. She is the daughter of my brother Parker and his wife Heather. She is an absolute DOLL and I am so glad that we got to play this week!

Sun Valley Snowboarding Trip

John and I had the opportunity to go up to Sun Valley and stay for the night. It was a perfect little get away for us. John has been working so hard this year with school and work. He's been to England twice this year for work and had 2 really hard classes. We both needed a break. John found an awesome deal on a one night stay at the Sun Valley Lodge and a lift ticket for $69 (based on double occupancy). We figured we probably won't ever snowboard in Sun Valley for any cheaper so we booked it. Mom was so sweet and took the day off to watch our kids for us. We had a fantastic time. The snow was FAB-U-LOUS!! They had received like 3 inches the day before, 6 inches the night before and it snowed for about 3 hours in the morning while we were there! I would venture to say the BEST snow I've snowboarded on in, EVER!

Sun Valley is an absolutely beautiful place to go. Those mountains are GI-NORMOUS! We would measure everything in Pomerelle runs...Example: That run is at least 4 big lift runs a Pomerelle.
Sun Valley also just got a new gondola to ride up. It was so fast and warm. Somehow it felt wrong to go up the mountain (or at least part of it) while the wind is whipping but not have it blowing in your face! HEAVEN!
It was really pretty to look out of the gondola at the mountains and their absolute wonder and beauty.

I am so glad I got to spend some time with my sweetie. I feel like I never see him anymore and it was wonderful to spend a whole day together, just the two of us!

March 26, 2010

My happy girl...

My sweet Kayleigh is such a happy baby. The other day we were having such a great time on the floor. She was just a talking and giggeling! It was so fun! She is blessing our home and our lives in so many ways!


I have seen these BUMBO seats at various friends homes for their kids but never bought one for Lucas. Kayleigh has been trying to sit up if you set her in the corner of the couch or something and then ends up face planting into the cushion. I decided to try and find a used one because they are kind of expensive brand new. Luckily my neighbor had one that she sold me cheap! (Thanks again BreighAn). Kayleigh LOVES it! She'll sit in it happy as a clam watching what everyone is doing! I am so glad that I got it. It has made my life much easier.

It's even purple and she looks so cute when she sits in it!

March 22, 2010

Baby Shower Invitations

We (the Turner girls) are throwing Melissa a baby shower next week when we are all home. I volunteered to make the invites. They turned out soooo cute! My good friend Rebecca has a Cricket machine that cut out these cute little baby outfits. We had so much fun making them. Our kids played together and we crafted. It was a good day.
Here is a small variety of some of the cards. We made some pink with purple ruffles and some purple with pink ruffles.
Here is one of them closer up....it has a cute little pink rhinestone in the center of the flower!

The inside was really simple...pink or purple paper with the information.
I can't wait until the baby shower. It will be so much fun. I can't wait to get that little baby here and meet her. Melissa is going to be such a cute mama!

Look what I can do now!

Saturday night after Lucas was in bed and John was at softball I layed Kayleigh on the floor by me to get some tummy time and this is what she did.....Like 4 times in a row! She's getting too big it makes me sad!

March 18, 2010


For all you non-believers of just how crazy my 2 year old is....here are just a few photos with examples of things he has done in the last month alone....

This is Lucas in the garage sitting in the bin that has dog food in it....the blue thing that it is sitting on is a 50 gal drum of water...How did he manage that...no idea but we had dog food everywhere in the garage...thank goodness for the shop vac Mom and Dad got us for Christmas!

This is Lucas in the bath tub fully clothed. He asked if he could get in the tub...I said No. So Lucas decided to do it himself. You can't really tell from this picture but he is completely soaked. He only had water running for about 1 mintute before I heard it and already he was drenched.
This isn't a very good picture because Lucas was running away...but that is INK! He found a pen and decided to draw all over his legs...Quietness=disaster at our house. This is one of those times that I thought he was being so good....NOPE!
These are grocery bags...he emptied the entire cupboard of them all over the kitchen and then started throwing them in the air saying, "Hooray, Hooray, Hooray".
Example 5.
This is our closet...notice the shoes on the ground. Normally they are neatly on the shelves paired up. Notice Lucas at the top of the closet. This is what he does when I am in the shower! Fun stuff!

March 11, 2010

Terrible Two's

We have all heard a million times how the terrible two's are...but let me just tell you...If a mom can survive them without killing herself or her two year old....she must be a saint! I am totally struggeling right now with Lucas! He is fantastic some days and sometimes he is a hellion!

Let me just tell you a story:

It was Friday March 5th and John was in England again for the second time in a month for work. I was at home by myself with Lucas and Kayleigh. John had left on Wednesday and wasn't coming back until Sunday. Wednesday and Thursday were okay...we survived with very little drama....whoa....if I only I knew that it was the calm before the storm. Friday Lucas woke up extra early and came into my room. He climbed up and snuggled for a minute before I turned on some cartoons so I could get a little extra sleep. After we went downstairs to eat breakfast...that's when the drama started.

While Lucas was eating breakfast I started working on my lesson for YW on Sunday. I decided to make each girl a little handout to go along with the lesson. I went upstairs got the paper cutter and some ribben and started making the handouts....I had about 6 of them made when Lucas came over with his "Big Truck" and rammed it into my glass of water and spilled the full cup all over the compter desk, completely soaking everythign I had been working on for the previous hour.

Then as I was cleaning that up he played for a little while. I decided that it was time for a nap cause Mommy was TIRED!! Lucas on the other hand, not so much. I told him he had to play quitely in his room...that lasted a whole of about 20 minutes. So I put the child door lock thing on the inside of his door so that I could close my eyes for a minute without worrying about what he was into. About 20 minutes later I heard a very loud BANG BANG BANG....but I was coming out of a much needed nap and thought I might be hearing something. Oh no...it was Lucas using a plastic baseball bat to break off the door lock making a gigantic hole in the back of his door! And the best part is after he escaped he went downstairs and did the same thing to the 3 doors downstairs that he can't open because of child locks!

I obviously took the bat away and hid it...After lunch he went about the living room playing while I returned to work on my lesson. In the two minutes that I didn't pay attention to what he was doing he opened a gallon ziplock bag full of dog food all over the kitchen floor. So while I cleaned that up, he climbed on the counter and dumped a whole box of cereal on the counter! By this point I had just about had it anyway....John called about this time to say "goodnight"...I immediately started crying telling him how much I wished he was home...blah blah blah. He calmed me down and made me feel better.

Things were okay for a little bit and then.....he put my cell phone in my glass of water....yes! It shorted out the screen and so now I can't see if I have any missed calls or texts or anything. This was the LAST STRAW! I called my mom bawling my eyes out. While on the phone with her, Kayleigh started screaming..but it was sort of muffeled...so I went into see what was wrong and saw Lucas sitting on top of her in the swing! My baby was getting squished by her big brother!!

Luckily for me after no nap and a day of mischeif he went to bed early without a peep! It was his only saving grace....

If I survive this kid....it will be a miracle!

Kayleigh is 2 Months Old!!

Little Miss Kayleigh is two months old...plus a few weeks cause I'm late! I took these picture on February 28th when she was two months old exactly! She is getting so big...and she is such a happy baby with such a sweet personality.

She is finally starting to fit into her carseat....do you remember this? So tiny I had a hard time making sure she was strappped in correctly....
And now...she fits in great! She is not very long but she is growing.
At her two month appointment her stats were:
Height: 21inches
Weight: 10 lbs 2 ozs
Just to refresh your memory at birth she was:
Height: 18.5 inches
Weight: 6lbs 14 ozs.
So as you can see...she is gaining weight really well but she hasn't grown all that much...I think she is going to take after Grandma Turner....very short and tiny! :)